Andrei Konchalovsky's books

История Аси Клячиной. (Не)повторимая
Книга «История Аси Клячиной. (Не)повторимая», составленная историками кино Станиславом Дединским и Натальей Рябчиковой, использует документы из архивов киностудии «Мосфильм», Госфильмофонда РФ, РГАЛИ и материалы из личного архива Андрея Кончаловского, чтобы раскрыть историю того, как этот фильм смог появиться на свет и почему зрители увидели его лишь спустя два десятилетия. Зачем дебютный сценарий Юрия Клепикова несколько раз переписывался на протяжении производства? Каким образом режиссеру удалось совместить в кадре театральную актрису Ию Саввину и обычных жителей Поволжья? С чем связано изменение названий картины — от «Года спокойного солнца» до «Асиного счастья» и «Истории Аси Клячиной»? За какие куски фильма шла наиболее ожесточенная борьба с цензурой? И как именно воспринимали его зрители и критики в 1960-е, в 1980-е и позднее?

Переход от фортепиано к кино,короткометражный фильм, снятый в двадцатипятилетней возрасте и приз за него в Венеции, соперничество с другом-режиссером Андреем Тарковским, успех первых фильмов на международных фестивалях, отход от бюрократии советского кино и сложное начало работы в "блестящем" Голливуде , затем возвращение в СССР времён Горбачева. Кончаловский рассказывает о своей жизни как о беспрерывной череде встреч с режиссерами, музыкантами и представителями творческой интеллигенции,включая Феллини, Куросаву, Ашкенази, Капустина, Сартра, Пазолини.

9 chapters about cinema and other things
Eksmo, 2013
The collection includes transcripts of some of his oral presentations as well as passages from publications written by him since the mid 1970s. These include lectures he has given to students of screenwriting and directing, master classes and other public appearance, material from interviews, independent articles, extracts from essays and some chapters from the director's memoirs.
The collection includes transcripts of some of his oral presentations as well as passages from publications written by him since the mid 1970s. These include lectures he has given to students of screenwriting and directing, master classes and other public appearance, material from interviews, independent articles, extracts from essays and some chapters from the director's memoirs.

Andrei Konchalovsky. Nobody knows...
Eksmo, 2012
Why the director is so influential is a mystery to both his fans and critics, a mystery the author of this book is eager to solve.
Why the director is so influential is a mystery to both his fans and critics, a mystery the author of this book is eager to solve.

Reactionary on a Platform
Eksmo, 2007
A sharp commentator always thrives on the latest news. Reactionary on a Platform is a passionate response by the authors to events in their country and around the world, "rantings and ravings" aimed at current politicians and bureaucrats.
You can agree with the authors, you can disagree with them... But the book makes you think. Think about the past, the present and the future. About yourself, about life, about the destiny of the country in which you live.
A sharp commentator always thrives on the latest news. Reactionary on a Platform is a passionate response by the authors to events in their country and around the world, "rantings and ravings" aimed at current politicians and bureaucrats.
You can agree with the authors, you can disagree with them... But the book makes you think. Think about the past, the present and the future. About yourself, about life, about the destiny of the country in which you live.

Low Truths: 7 years later
Eksmo, 2006
This supplementary reprint with detailed commentary is part of the author's plan to create a literary trilogy. The first two parts of the trilogy, Low Truths and Elevating Deception, were released in 1998 and 1999 respectively.
This supplementary reprint with detailed commentary is part of the author's plan to create a literary trilogy. The first two parts of the trilogy, Low Truths and Elevating Deception, were released in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

The White Lilac
The Russian Poetry Fund Publishing House with participation from the Humanitarian Academy Publishing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2001
The cinenovel by director Andrei Konchalovsky and writer Yuri Nagibin tells of the life and creative path of the genius Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff.
The cinenovel by director Andrei Konchalovsky and writer Yuri Nagibin tells of the life and creative path of the genius Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Elevating Deception
Top Secret Collection, 1999
The book Elevating Deception by Russian film director Andrei Konchalovksy immediately follows his first, Low Truths, and talks about the author's life in Russia, Europe and America, about the stars of screen and stage whom it has been his fate to encounter, about the women he has loved, about the birth of films and shows...
The book Elevating Deception by Russian film director Andrei Konchalovksy immediately follows his first, Low Truths, and talks about the author's life in Russia, Europe and America, about the stars of screen and stage whom it has been his fate to encounter, about the women he has loved, about the birth of films and shows...